Suoraan sisältöön

Happy South Savonians

“The well-being of people living in South Savo is based on the safe and pure living environment and new ways of providing wellness services. Well-being comes also from culture, physical exercise and social activities. Sustainable growth builds good life.”

Kuva henkilöstä Eveliina Pekkanen.

Eveliina Pekkanen
Manager, Regional Development, Culture and Wellbeing
Etelä-Savon maakuntaliitto

Well-being goes tightly hand in hand with the other strengths of South Savo: forest, food, water, and tourism

The pure nature, safe environment and strong health education and research expertise are the cornerstones of well-being. The social and health sector is the biggest employer in South Savo.

In addition to the special expertise in the health sector, also multi-local living, the ageing population, pure nature, and the related services create new opportunities in the future. 

Srengths of the economy of well-being

  • High education and special expertise
  • Social innovations
  • Commercial opportunities of digital and other services
  • Pleasant and safe living environment
  • Pure nature
  • Sports, physical activity and cultural well-being
  • Health security
  • Opportunities of multi-locality

Goals of the economy of well-being

  • Commercialisation of services
  • Enhancing expertise
  • Using the potential of the ageing population
  • Sustainable commercial use of the pure nature

The well-being of South Savo is based on pure nature, a safe environment and strong health expertise

We develop community and local well-being and culture

The network for developing communality and local well-being focuses on people's well-being, quality of life and sense of community.

Read more about the network and clusters in South Savo.