Suoraan sisältöön


The South Savo Regional Council is a regional developer.


The South Savo Regional Council is a regional developer.

Information about the Regional Council

The Regional Council of South Savo  is a joint municipal authority for South Savo region. It operates according to the principles of local self-government. Its members are the eleven municipalities in the region, from which it receives its funding. Like all 18 regional councils in Finland, it is mandated in law.

The Council operates as the authority for regional development and unit for regional planning. The Council also has a task to look after regional interests and to promote economic development and cultural well-being in South Savo. The Council has a statutory responsibility for regional development and planning.

International cooperation is increasingly important for the South Savo Region, which is why the South Savo Regional Council develops and maintains a network of international partners.

The common will of South Savo is determined through democratic process. The supreme decision making body is the Regional Assembly. The 49 officials in the Assembly are politicians elected by the member municipalities for a mandate of four years.

The executive body of the Regional Council is called the Regional Board. It has 13 members. The political constitution both of the County Council and the Regional Board represent the political will of the region according to results of the local elections. 

The five member Board of Controllers assess whether the objectives, priorities, activities, financial means and management set for the Regional Council are being met.

South Savo municipalities

The South Savo Regional Council is a joint regional authority. The Council represents the interests of 11 member municipalities with a population of 130 000 people.

Map of South Savo region.

South Savo municipalities:

Enonkoski (Finnish) 





Mäntyharju (Finnish) 




